Thank you for your interest in helping and investing in the lives of teenagers! You are about to discover some proven and powerful ways of communication that will allow you to better engage and guide young people.
After completing this online training, you will be scheduled to attend a virtual or live-event training that will allow the time you need to practice your coaching skills.
Some of you will want to skim over this content and get right to the practice of coaching, but please resist that desire and really settle in to learn what is being communicated in these videos. The longest of them is 49 minutes, most of them are around 30 minutes and a few are as short as 13 minutes. Please take your time.
In most cases the video section title will align with the chapter in your training manual so you can go to that section and follow along.
You will find downloadable PDF’s in the right side panel. These documents are supplemental or in some cases updates to the content in your training manual.
I’m so happy that you are joining us in this intervention program.
Let’s get started!